Prestige Amulets 泰国佛教牌商
LP Toh Wat Pradoochimplee BE 2520 Phra Pajamwan Ban Sammathi
LP Toh Wat Pradoochimplee
BE 2520 Phra Pajamwan Ban Sammathi
(Wrapped in 90 real gold casing & comes with SMK authentication card)
LP Toh was a highly respected Buddhist monk and abbot of Wat Pradoo Chimplee in Bangkok, Thailand. He was born in BE2430 and ordained as a monk at a young age. Throughout his life, Luang Pho Toh was known for his deep spiritual insights, compassionate teachings, and powerful meditation practices. One of LP Toh’s notable contributions was the creation of sacred Buddhist amulets, which are believed to offer protection, blessings, and good fortune to those who wear them. These amulets are highly sought after by devotees and collectors alike, and they are regarded as potent symbols of LP Toh’s spiritual power. Till date, he has been considered by all as one of the top 9 monks of Thailand throughout history.
This piece of amulet is presented in the posture of Buddha meditating with a Bodhi leaf as the background. It is said that the vision behind this design is because LP Toh returned from a ceremony in India in BE 2519 and was grateful & inspired by Buddha's enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree. It happened that LP Toh was born on Thursday, so he combined the two key factors, that is, the Buddha meditating posture and on a Bodhi Leaf, which also represents the image of wisdom and enlightenment. Naturally, it is most suitable for leaders who are engaged in business, politics, etc., because it can calm the mind and attain wisdom to make clear judgments.
This batch started to be blessed on LP Toh’s birthday in 2519, and it was not released from the temple until BE 2520, a full year after being blessed. It is worth mentioning that that this batch is so expensive & sought after because it was also blessed with the legendary sacred relic Pidta Jumbo 1 in 2520, and all the materials used are the same as Pidta Jumbo. Behind is LP Toh’s most classic Yant Tri. Only 10,412 bailan versions were made, and the pollen version is even rarer, with only less than 3,000 recorded.

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Singapore 199018
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Every amulet from Prestige Amulets are authenticated by Samakompra, also known as Thai Buddha Image Admiration Association, Thailand's top authentication centre.